"His Last Parole"

Michael Herold (b. 1957) American 
Denver, Colorado USA


Ceramic, Glaze

H 25” - W 21” - D 15" - 35 LBS

“His Last Parole" depicts an emotional reaction to a crime. 

Horrific in nature and intended to provoke a response.

How do you respond to "His Last Parole"?

Listen to me describe 
what I did. 

↓ ↓ ↓ 


"As an art collector, one of the goals is to collect art that is beyond the norm. 

To collect a work of art that is extraordinary. 

You have seen it all, you have it all, and now, only that which shocks you becomes interesting."  

What the @#$% ........ is the response received from viewers. 

Total WOW........

Comments about 
"His Last Parole"

"This work is indeed shocking. It expresses the depth of human anguish concerning evil and its existence. This work is a testament to what evil can do to the human psyche.  Once in a blue moon does a work so impress."

Gallery Owner

"When I first viewed this sculpture I was shocked and my mouth dropped open. What does this mean? After hearing about why this sculpture was created I understood. It seemed fitting concerning the subject matter of the sculpture."

Art Critic

"Over my career I have seen many works of art. This is one that is truly unforgettable. This work will be remembered by the viewer. It is complex and well designed. Over and over, I am surprised every time I view it."

Art Collector

"His Last Parole"

Make this your possession. 

It's ........ Remarkable, stunning, provocative.

It's ........ Dope, fire, lit.

Contact   -  the Artist  to aquire.


(money is an abstract construct, contact to discuss price)

And I will cater and attend the unveiling party.